Results for 'Salvador C. Fernandez'

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  1. Valle, José cecilio Del, pp. 257.C. A. Salvador - 1963 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 1 (13):453.
  2.  21
    Voter emotional responses and voting behaviour in the 2020 US presidential election.Heather C. Lench, Leslie Fernandez, Noah Reed, Emily Raibley, Linda J. Levine & Kiki Salsedo - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (8):1196-1209.
    Political polarisation in the United States offers opportunities to explore how beliefs about candidates – that they could save or destroy American society – impact people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. Participants forecast their future emotional responses to the contentious 2020 U.S. presidential election, and reported their actual responses after the election outcome. Stronger beliefs about candidates were associated with forecasts of greater emotion in response to the election, but the strength of this relationship differed based on candidate preference. Trump supporters’ (...)
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    El concepto de dialéctica en Marx.Francisco Fernández Buey, Salvador López Arnal & José Sarrión Andaluz - 2023 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 25:51-66.
    El presente artículo recoge una conferencia inédita. Por un lado, el autor se centra en examinar los usos impropios de la noción de dialéctica, rechazando su concepción como lógica alternativa a la formal, como ciencia o como método en un sentido estricto. Por otro lado, muestra una caracterización de la dialéctica como una «metódica» en sentido amplio que se propone captar totalidades concretas en su despliegue desde un punto de vista materialista, histórico y crítico, con finalidades emancipatorias, cuya cientificidad sólo (...)
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    Cinco siglos de un debate: rebelión y reforma frente a revolución en las Comunidades de Castilla en su V Centenario.Salvador Rus Rufino & Eduardo Fernández García - 2021 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 21:3-16.
    Las Comunidades de Castilla, como movimiento social y político, pueden caracterizarse como una tentativa de renovación de la monarquía carolina como forma de gobierno. El creciente conocimiento sobre la circulación de ideas políticas que informaron el corpus doctrinal comunero permite precisar conceptual y terminológicamente un debate revisitado con frecuencia sobre la naturaleza revolucionaria o no de tal proceso. Acudir a los textos de los principales sustentadores teóricos de las Comunidades, tanto como a los documentos de sus reivindicaciones, y no solo (...)
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    Transport and mechanical properties of Yb-filled skutterudites.J. R. Salvador, J. Yang, X. Shi, H. Wang, A. A. Wereszczak, H. Kong & C. Uher - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (19):1517-1534.
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    Asirvatham, Sulochana R., Corinne Ondine Pache, and John Watrous, eds. Be-tween Magic and Religion: Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Mediterranean Religion and Society. Greek Studies: Interdisciplinary Approaches. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2001. xxix+ 212 pp. Cloth, $72; paper, $27.95. [REVIEW]Wolfram Ax, Thomas Baier, V. Bécares, F. Pordomingo, R. Cortés Tovar & J. C. Fernández Corte - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123:535-540.
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    Factor structure, internal consistency and construct validity of the Sheehan Disability Scale in a Spanish primary care sample.Juan V. Luciano, Jordan Bertsch, Luis Salvador-Carulla, José M. Tomás, Ana Fernández, Alejandra Pinto-Meza, Josep M. Haro, Diego J. Palao & Antoni Serrano-Blanco - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (5):895-901.
  8.  28
    Comparing the functional benefits of counterfactual and prefactual thinking: the content-specific and content-neutral pathways.Dominic K. Fernandez, Heather H. M. Gan & Amy Y. C. Chan - 2022 - Thinking and Reasoning 28 (2):261-289.
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    Enabling Learning to Develop Personal Capability for Human Flourishing.Agna Fernandez & C. Joe Arun - 2022 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 41 (3):485-500.
    The purpose of this qualitative research is to conceptualize the factors that influence human flourishing. Data has been gathered through in-depth, semi-structured interviews with thirty global heads of Human Resources of manufacturing companies in India and South Asia. Data from these interviews are analyzed using grounded theory methodology to categorize concepts and create a conceptual model of the main themes which contribute to human flourishing. This study highlights three such themes: (1) opportunities for advancement; (2) personal capability; and (3) leading (...)
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  10.  12
    La embajada del 155 a. C.: Carnéades, Cicerón y Lactancio sobre la justicia y la injusticia.Salvador Mas - 2020 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 37 (3):357-368.
    In 155 B.C. Athens sent an embassy to Rome to mediate in the matters raised by the Athenian intervention in the city of Oropos. Although the senate not long before has expelled philosphers and rhetors, they decided to entrust negotiations to the academic Carneades, the stoic Diogenes and the peripatetic Critolao. We know nothing of the role played by the latter two, who in the testimonials that we have either do not appear or are merely mentioned in passing, perhaps because (...)
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  11.  29
    Electron and neutron irradiation of boron and phosphorus-doped silicon at 80°K.C. D. Clark, A. Fernandez & D. A. Thompson - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 20 (164):301-310.
  12.  20
    Isochronal annealing ofpandn-type silicon irradiated at 80°K.C. D. Clark, A. Fernandez, D. A. Thompson & J. J. Thomson - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 20 (167):951-964.
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    Empathy Enhancement Based on a Semiotics Training Program: A Longitudinal Study in Peruvian Medical Students.Lissett J. Fernández-Rodríguez, Víctor H. Bardales-Zuta, Montserrat San-Martín, Roberto C. Delgado Bolton & Luis Vivanco - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  14. La comprensión del otro a partir de las historias de vida.Osmaira C. Fernández & Jenny Ocando - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 8 (1).
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    Manuel Sacristán, philosophe marxiste espagnol.F. Fernandez Buey & C. Gallardo - 1994 - Actuel Marx 15:119-139.
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  16. Nulidad democrática y coacción política: el desacato popular.Álvaro B. Márquez Fernández & Zulay C. Díaz Montiel - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 64 (1):7-23.
    La democracia es un sistema de poderes que debería estar al servicio del pueblo. El actor social de estos poderes es el sujeto político en su condición de persona, individuo, ciudadano. Ningún otro actor puede atribuirse el uso de los poderes políticos en beneficio personal o colectivo; menos todavía, en detrimento de los otros. Se crea un principio de exclusión que pone en contradicción o nulidad pública el ejercicio del poder de la democracia como sistema de poderes populares. Es indispensable (...)
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    3/on 2 Desnoes Gutierrez Alea.Henry Fernandez, D. I. Grossvogel, Emir Rodriguez Monegal & Isabel C. Gomez - 1974 - Diacritics 4 (4):51.
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  18. Philippine soils: their distribution, general land use and parent materials. Department of Soil Science, UPLB, College.N. C. Fernandez & J. C. De Jesus - forthcoming - Laguna.
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  19.  29
    Plumbing the Depths of Ethical Payment for Research Participation.Holly Fernandez Lynch, Thomas C. Darton, Jae Levy, Frank McCormick, Ubaka Ogbogu, Ruth O. Payne, Alvin E. Roth, Akilah Jefferson Shah, Thomas Smiley & Emily A. Largent - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (5):W8-W11.
    The peer commentaries on our Target Article, “Promoting Ethical Payment in Human Infection Challenge Studies,” offer a number of insights that will help advance the co...
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  20. Videotex e Ibertex.C. Fernandez & A. Gonzáles - 1992 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 29:87-98.
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  21. L'abolition de l'homme. Réflexions sur l'éducation.C. S. Lewis & Irène Fernandez - 1988 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 178 (2):215-215.
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  22.  48
    Promoting Ethical Payment in Human Infection Challenge Studies.Holly Fernandez Lynch, Thomas C. Darton, Jae Levy, Frank McCormick, Ubaka Ogbogu, Ruth O. Payne, Alvin E. Roth, Akilah Jefferson Shah, Thomas Smiley & Emily A. Largent - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (3):11-31.
    To prepare for potential human infection challenge studies involving SARS-CoV-2, we convened a multidisciplinary working group to address ethical questions regarding whether and how much SAR...
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    ¿Una Inmaculada de Luis Salvador Carmona en Estepa?Jorge Alberto Jordán Fernández - 2020 - Isidorianum 25 (50):465-474.
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    Jerónimo Salvador de Araujo Salgado. «Argumento con que se intenta probar que la filosofía y destreza de las armas es ciencia según Aristóteles».José Alejandro Fernández Cuesta - 2017 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 11:229-237.
    Jerónimo Salvador de Araujo, in this brief treatise, argues why it should be considered that there is a philosophy of arms, as well as why said philosophy must conform a science. For this purpose, he will rely on the Sacred Scriptures as an initial legitimation and, throughout the argumentation, on Aristotle and his definitions of universal science, particular science, technique, etc. The whole treatise is structured following syllogistic forms of Aristotelian origin.
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    Eros platónico y amor a los muchachos.Salvador Mas - 2013 - Isegoría 48:245-268.
    En el presente trabajo intento analizar, por una parte, el complejo entramado institucional, político e intelectual tejido en torno a la pederastia griega; por otra, la respuesta platónica ante él. Quizá en sus orígenes la pederastia fuera un rito iniciático sometido a una fuerte reglamentación; posteriormente se transformó en un tema cantado por los poetas y en un elemento de la autocomprensión aristocrática. Platón sabe que la tradición de sus admiradas Esparta y Creta, así como los poetas, ofrecen cierta cobertura (...)
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    Le peuple mapuche au Chili.Salvador Millaleo - 2023 - Multitudes 91 (2):218-220.
    Les luttes des peuples indigènes sont une constante invisible de l’histoire du Chili, car elles constituent l’envers caché de la construction de l’État et de son évolution politique. C’est précisément parce que le Chili n’a pas réussi à construire des canaux institutionnels efficaces pour l’inclusion des peuples indigènes que leur invisibilité constitue le fait fondateur de leur place dans la communauté politique. La sortie de cet état se produit, en particulier pour le peuple mapuche, sous forme d’irruptions qui perturbent la (...)
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  27. La filosofía jurídica de Leonardo.Salvador Rus Rufino - 1992 - Anuario Filosófico 25 (1):217-228.
    In this article the author writes about Leonardo Polo's juridical thought. He studied in School of Law before he began to work on philosophy. In the paper the author expresses some of Leonardo Polo�s ideas on law: a) What is the definition of law?; b) Is a person's posession of a thing the fundation of his rights? c) The practical function of law in society.
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    The Interpersonal Benefits of Leader Mindfulness: A Serial Mediation Model Linking Leader Mindfulness, Leader Procedural Justice Enactment, and Employee Exhaustion and Performance.Sebastian C. Schuh, Michelle Xue Zheng, Katherine R. Xin & Juan Antonio Fernandez - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (4):1007-1025.
    Although it is an increasingly popular assumption that leader mindfulness may positively affect leader behaviors and, in turn, employee outcomes, to date, little empirical evidence supports this view. Against this backdrop, the present research seeks to develop and test a serial mediation model of leader mindfulness. Specifically, we propose that leader mindfulness enhances employee performance and that this relationship is explained by increased leader procedural justice enactment and, subsequently, reduced employees’ emotional exhaustion. We conducted three studies to test this model. (...)
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    Failure to report and provide commentary on research ethics board approval and informed consent in medical journals.K. A. Finlay & C. V. Fernandez - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (10):761-764.
    Background: The Declaration of Helsinki prohibits the publication of articles that do not meet defined ethical standards for reporting of research ethics board approval and informed consent. Despite this prohibition and a call to highlight the deficiency for the reader, articles with potential ethical shortcomings continue to be published.Objective: To determine what proportion of articles in major medical journals lack statements confirming REB approval and informed consent, and whether accompanying commentary alerts readers to this deficiency.Design: Retrospective, observational study.Setting: Online review (...)
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    A Cross-Cultural Exploratory Study of Health Behaviors and Wellbeing During COVID-19.Montse C. Ruiz, Tracey J. Devonport, Chao-Hwa Chen-Wilson, Wendy Nicholls, Jonathan Y. Cagas, Javier Fernandez-Montalvo, Youngjun Choi & Claudio Robazza - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study explored the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on perceived health behaviors; physical activity, sleep, and diet behaviors, alongside associations with wellbeing. Participants were 1,140 individuals residing in the United Kingdom, South Korea, Finland, Philippines, Latin America, Spain, North America, and Italy. They completed an online survey reporting possible changes in the targeted behaviors as well as perceived changes in their physical and mental health. Multivariate analyses of covariance on the final sample revealed significant mean differences regarding perceived physical (...)
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    Entropy and a sub-group of geometric measures of paths predict the navigability of an environment.D. Yesiltepe, P. Fernández Velasco, A. Coutrot, A. Ozbil Torun, J. M. Wiener, C. Holscher, M. Hornberger, R. Conroy Dalton & H. J. Spiers - 2023 - Cognition 236 (C):105443.
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    Disclosing Secondary Findings from Pediatric Sequencing to Families: Considering the “Benefit to Families”.Benjamin S. Wilfond, Conrad V. Fernandez & Robert C. Green - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (3):552-558.
    Secondary findings for adult-onset diseases in pediatric clinical sequencing can benefit parents or other family members. In the absence of data showing harm, it is ethically reasonable for parents to request such information, because in other types of medical decision-making, they are often given discretion unless their decisions clearly harm the child. Some parents might not want this information because it could distract them from focusing on the child's underlying condition that prompted sequencing. Collecting family impact data may improve future (...)
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  33. International Legal Approaches to Neurosurgery for Psychiatric Disorders.Jennifer A. Chandler, Laura Y. Cabrera, Paresh Doshi, Shirley Fecteau, Joseph J. Fins, Salvador Guinjoan, Clement Hamani, Karen Herrera-Ferrá, C. Michael Honey, Judy Illes, Brian H. Kopell, Nir Lipsman, Patrick J. McDonald, Helen S. Mayberg, Roland Nadler, Bart Nuttin, Albino J. Oliveira-Maia, Cristian Rangel, Raphael Ribeiro, Arleen Salles & Hemmings Wu - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Neurosurgery for psychiatric disorders, also sometimes referred to as psychosurgery, is rapidly evolving, with new techniques and indications being investigated actively. Many within the field have suggested that some form of guidelines or regulations are needed to help ensure that a promising field develops safely. Multiple countries have enacted specific laws regulating NPD. This article reviews NPD-specific laws drawn from North and South America, Asia and Europe, in order to identify the typical form and contents of these laws and to (...)
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  34. Perceived Emotional Intelligence and Learning Strategies in Spanish University Students: A New Perspective from a Canonical Non-symmetrical Correspondence Analysis.María C. Vega-Hernández, María C. Patino-Alonso, Rosario Cabello, María P. Galindo-Villardón & Pablo Fernández-Berrocal - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Germania - (C.B.) Krebs A Most Dangerous Book. Tacitus's Germania from the Roman Empire to the Third Reich. Pp. 303, ills. New York and London: W.W. Norton & Company, 2011. Cased, £18.99, US$25.95. ISBN: 978-0-393-06265-6. [REVIEW]Salvador Bartera - 2012 - The Classical Review 62 (1):186-188.
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    Generative Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Practice: Undergraduate Experience.Carmen M. Alegría-Bernal, Jhan C. Fernández-Delgado & Fernando S. Andía-Alegría - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:532-542.
    The objective of this article is to assess the impact of generative artificial intelligence (AGI) as a learning tool in clinical practice, as perceived by clinical students of human medicine. To this end, six learning activities were devised and executed, employing diverse pedagogical approaches and AGI tools, with the objective of addressing various facets of clinical practice. These included the creation of explanatory material, literature analysis, the selection of clinical cases for publication, the development of self-assessment questions, the production of (...)
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    Participation of French general practitioners in end-of-life decisions for their hospitalised patients.E. Ferrand, P. Jabre, S. Fernandez-Curiel, F. Morin, C. Vincent-Genod, P. Duvaldestin, F. Lemaire, C. Herve & J. Marty - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (12):683-687.
    Background and objective: Assuming the hypothesis that the general practitioner can and should be a key player in making end-of-life decisions for hospitalised patients, perceptions of GPs’ role assigned to them by hospital doctors in making withdrawal decisions for such patients were surveyed.Design: Questionnaire survey.Setting: Urban and rural areas.Participants: GPs.Results: The response rate was 32.2% , and it was observed that 70.8% of respondents believed that their participation in withdrawal decisions for their hospitalised patients was essential, whereas 42.1% believed that (...)
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    The relationship between obesity and quality of life in Brazilian adults.Fernanda B. C. Pimenta, Elodie Bertrand, Daniel C. Mograbi, Helene Shinohara & J. Landeira-Fernandez - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Assortative mate preferences for height across short-term and long-term relationship contexts in a cross-cultural sample.Katarzyna Pisanski, Maydel Fernandez-Alonso, Nadir Díaz-Simón, Anna Oleszkiewicz, Adrian Sardinas, Robert Pellegrino, Nancy Estevez, Emanuel C. Mora, Curtis R. Luckett & David R. Feinberg - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Height preferences reflecting positive assortative mating for height—wherein an individual’s own height positively predicts the preferred height of their mate—have been observed in several distinct human populations and are thought to increase reproductive fitness. However, the extent to which assortative preferences for height differ strategically for short-term versus long-term relationship partners, as they do for numerous other indices of mate quality, remains unclear. We explore this possibility in a large representative sample of over 500 men and women aged 15–77 from (...)
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    Small-scale gravitational instabilities under the oceans: Implications for the evolution of oceanic lithosphere and its expression in geophysical observables.S. Zlotnik, J. C. Afonso, P. Díez & M. Fernández - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (28-29):3197-3217.
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    Effects of Age and Working Memory Load on Syntactic Processing: An Event-Related Potential Study.Graciela C. Alatorre-Cruz, Juan Silva-Pereyra, Thalía Fernández, Mario A. Rodríguez-Camacho, Susana A. Castro-Chavira & Javier Sanchez-Lopez - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Brain activation during associative short-term memory maintenance is not predictive for subsequent retrieval.Heiko C. Bergmann, Sander M. Daselaar, Sarah F. Beul, Mark Rijpkema, Guillén Fernández & Roy P. C. Kessels - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:155175.
    Performance on working memory (WM) tasks may partially be supported by long-term memory (LTM) processing. Hence, brain activation recently being implicated in WM may actually have been driven by (incidental) LTM formation. We examined which brain regions actually support successful WM processing, rather than being confounded by LTM processes, during the maintenance and probe phase of a WM task. We administered a four-pair (faces and houses) associative delayed-match-to-sample (WM) task using event-related fMRI and a subsequent associative recognition LTM task, using (...)
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  43. Comités de evaluación ética y científica de la investigación en seres humanos en los países latinoamericanos y del Caribe.A. Bota, A. Estévez, L. Fernández, M. Hernández, A. Hevia & C. Lara - 2006 - In Fernando Lolas, Álvaro Quezada & Eduardo Rodríguez, Investigación en salud: dimensión ética. Chile: CIEB, Universidad de Chile.
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    A Music-Mediated Language Learning Experience: Students’ Awareness of Their Socio-Emotional Skills.Esther Cores-Bilbao, Analí Fernández-Corbacho, Francisco H. Machancoses & M. C. Fonseca-Mora - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    In a society where mobility, globalization and contact with people from other cultures have become its basic descriptors, the enhancement of plurilingualism and intercultural understanding seem to be of the utmost concern. From a Positive Psychology Perspective, agency is the human capacity to affect other people positively or negatively through their actions. This agentic vision can be related to mediation, a concept rooted in the socio-cultural learning theory where social interaction is considered a fundamental cornerstone in the development of cognition. (...)
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  45.  24
    I see neither your Fear, nor your Sadness – Interoception in adolescents.Eleana Georgiou, Sandra Mai, Katya C. Fernandez & Olga Pollatos - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 60:52-61.
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    Some aspects of the population biology of Arbothrix longipilis present in a plantation of Pinus radiata (Province of Nuble-eighth region).J. A. Sandoval, Fernandez Jr, P. A. Chandia, E. Zamorano-Ponce & J. C. Ortiz - 1995 - Theoria 4.
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    Attitudes of research ethics board chairs towards disclosure of research results to participants: results of a national survey.S. D. MacNeil & C. V. Fernandez - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (9):549-553.
    Background: The offer of aggregate study results to research participants following study completion is increasingly accepted as a means of demonstrating greater respect for participants. The attitudes of research ethics board chairs towards this practice, although integral to policy development, are unknown.Objectives: To determine the attitudes of REB chairs and the practices of REBs with respect to disclosure of results to research participants.Design: A postal questionnaire was distributed to the chairs of English-language university-based REBs in Canada. In total, 88 REB (...)
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    Motivated forgetting reduces veridical memories but slightly increases false memories in both young and healthy older people.Alfonso Pitarque, Encarnación Satorres, Joaquín Escudero, Salvador Algarabel, Omar Bekkers & Juan C. Meléndez - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 59:26-31.
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    El espíritu de C. G. Jung.Antonio Vázquez Fernández - 1988 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 15:21-32.
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    El cicerón de «La tradición cosmopolita» de Martha C. Nussbaum: ¿cosmopolitismo o imperialismo justo?Iker Martínez Fernández - 2025 - Pensamiento 80 (310):869-889.
    Se discute el uso que Martha C. Nussbaum hace del libro I de Sobre los deberes en La tradición cosmopolita como la primera propuesta de cosmopolitismo estoico. Más específicamente, cuestiono que del fragmento 1. 20-60 pueda extraerse una teoría sobre la «bifurcación de los deberes ». Frente a esta tesis, propongo interpretar el fragmento, por un lado, como la exposición que un padre experimentado en política realiza a su hijo acerca de la manera más prudente de comportarse para que sus (...)
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